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Positive Herpes Stories

Positive Herpes Stories

Are we joking, is there such a thing as a story about herpes that is positive?

Yes, many.

So many in fact that when we began looking for examples of positive herpes stories that we were blown away. Many of the stories are so powerfully uplifting and inspiring that they have literally changed peoples lives (we have been told it several times now)

We invite you to share your own story about herpes by using the comments section below.  Your story can provide life changing relief to a person who has just been diagnosed. Tips on dealing with herpes are also appreciated.

This Post Has 8 Comments
  1. I was 15 when I noticed a small “cut” on my labia minora. It was sensitive to the touch and I became worried when it wasn’t healing. I went to the doctor and was extremely surprised when she told me I had contracted genital herpes.

    “But I’ve never had sex!” I exclaimed.
    “Have you received oral sex?” she asked.

    I had, my boyfriend and I had been exploring each other’s bodies. To our knowledge, he had never had a cold sore, so the diagnosis was a huge shock. After a dosage of Famvir, the “cut” cleared up.

    Flash forward 7 years and I have never had another outbreak since that initial “cut”. I have never passed it on to any of my sexual partners. If anything, I consider it a blessing in disguise because it has made me choose my sexual partners more carefully.

    My experience with herpes has been pretty damn easy. In fact, the worst part of it was that initial diagnosis – the doctor handled it poorly and placed a lot of blame on me. Every sexual partner has been understanding and comforting. I almost enjoy telling the story now, because it usually counters their previous conceptions of STIs.

    I haven’t told many of my friends about my diagnosis, however I was shocked when an acquaintance confided in me that she was HSV positive. She said I seemed like I would be open minded and she wanted a friend. STIs are all around people!!!!

    1. Thank you sooo much for sharing! Another example of how very insignificant and minor herpes can be, especially Genital HSV1 which has been shown to have a very low likelihood of recurring and spreading.

    2. Thank you for sharing your story.I too have it,and felling good.I found out a lot of people have it and don’t know it, that was a shock. I’ve been careful with telling my friends, and there very supportive. I wanna thank you once again.

  2. I have herpes from childhood and last 8 years I had very often outbreaks. About 1-2 times each month. Tried so many things, but seems I found my answer.

    Firstly, I had very low D vitamin level (5x lower than normal) in blood, so I really recommend you to test yourself for it. I started drink D vitamin regularly and hold it’s level above 50ng/ml.
    Secondly, I made Isoprinosine drug (immune system antiviral modulator) therapy.
    Thirdly, as I had problems with almonds often, I made Bronchomunal drug (throat immune system modulator) therapy.
    At the moment I can say that I had only one small outbreak within 9 months which disappeared in 2 days. And yes, always have Heviran 400mg like drugs next to you. If you had much stress, went into coldness for a long time or had a lot of alcohol parties, then drink this Heviran (Acyclovirum drug) preventively for some days. This was my answer for herpes.
    Summary – check you D vitamin level and correct it if needed, eliminate companion infections if you have (like streptococcus), never stay cold and try immune system modulators. And soon vaccine will come.

  3. I was diagnosed with hsv2 a week before my 20th birthday since then I have continued my sexual life once I gain the knowledge of the risk of giving it to my partner I take valtrex and 1000mg lysine daily. Chocolate and stress seems to only trigger a breakout for me. I do have unprotected sex with my partner he is aware and he gets tested regularly and always comes back negative and iam currently pregnant with my first child and i haven’t had a single breakout and my baby is healthy. NEVER STRESS OVER SOMETHING U CANT CHANGE THIS THING CALLED HERPES U CAN MANAGE IT AND STILL LIVE A NORMAL LIFE AND HAVE A HAPPY RELATIONSHIP KEEP A POSITIVE MIND SET ALWAYS

  4. I was given herpes by a cheating boyfriend when I wad 20. I was devastated at the time but found that when I was honest with partners, they trusted me. I go years without an outbreak. I have been with my husband for 8 years and I have had 4 vaginal births. We never use protection and his blood work still comes back negative for hsv2. It’s possible to have long rerun relationships without passing it along.

    1. How inspiring for women with HSV who might be interested in having a natural vaginal birth at some point in their lives! What a powerful message, thank you for sharing Katherine.

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Post Series: Positive & Inspirational Stories about Herpes
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