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The talk was easy as pie. I wasn’t even nervous. I just came right out and said it.

The Talk Was Easy As Pie. I Wasn’t Even Nervous. I Just Came Right Out And Said It.

Well just a few days ago I posted “I met a new guy!” and said I’d probably have the “talk” in a couple weeks if all went well.

All went so extremely well that I had the talk on our first “real” date! So unlike me…but I couldn’t help it. What a sweetheart he is! Smart, sexy, tolerant, eccentric, funny, real, sensitive, affectionate, caring, loves music, so very comfortable to be with that I’m still pretty awed by it all.

The talk was easy as pie. I wasn’t even nervous. I just came right out and said it. We talked about his risk, what we could do to try to prevent transmission to him, etc. He is negative for both, I am positive for oral HSV1 and genital HSV2…he said “That’s OK. I really want to be with you. It doesn’t matter.” YAY!!!

We haven’t been apart for 3 days now and tomorrow’s our last day together with no work…this has really been the best (4 day) date I’ve ever had. Ever! So much fun, talking so much, listening to music all day, going to the market together and cooking fabulous food every night. Amazing sex! But the best part is…falling asleep in each other’s arms.

It’s like I’ve always said here…the right person for you won’t let herpes get in the way. I get to see this live in person now and wow, am I happy! He accepted me, herpes and all; I knew if he was right for me, he would.

The thing is, I was already happy before I met him; had truly accepted having herpes and refused to let it diminish me or define me in any way. I’ve tried my best to help other people feel that way too, ever since my diagnosis. I think that’s exactly why I attracted the person I did.

Thank you all who replied to “I met a new guy!” and for your kind words and best wishes…and thank you for allowing me to share my absolute joy with you. Wow!!!!


Comment originally published on the Honeycomb Herpes Support forums.

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Post Series: Herpes Dating Stories
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