One month since diagnosis and feeling surprisingly happy
I was diagnosed a month a go with g HSV1, and I just wanted to share how things have changed since then.
I’m in a faithful long term relationship (1 1/2 years) with my bf and a month ago I noticed a small ulcer whilst having sex, I went to the GUM clinic a couple of days later, where I was told it didn’t look like herpes but they would do a culture.
Well the next day I woke up with 5 or 6 ulcers, which were painful and my lymph nodes were swollen and tender. I knew right then it was herpes and basically freaked out, stayed in bed for 3 days crying myself to sleep and wouldn’t see my bf (but he knew what was going on). I also had a very embarrassing incident bursting into tears in public.
A few days later I went to the docs (and cried to him) to get some meds and it really helped, clearing my OB up in less than a week. About a week later I was told it was herpes (type 1), its possible I’ve caught it from my bf or a previous partner but who I caught it from doesn’t bother me, only that I don’t pass it to my bf if he doesn’t already have it.
Since then I’ve changed my life for the better (herpes or no herpes). I’ve joined a brilliant new gym and go 5 times a week, my diet has drastically improved (ive always had an intolerance to wheat but ive finally managed to kick my addiction and stop eating it) and ive started taking a range of vitamins (vit c, lysine, zinc etc). If i’m honest I haven’t felt this healthy before!
I know H has a stigma attached to it but I’ve chosen to ignore this, I certainly didn’t deserve to catch it (no-one does no matter what you’ve done), its a virus it doesn’t discriminate against ‘good’ or ‘bad’ people. It also made me realise how much I love my partner, it was a tough few weeks for both of us getting our head around it but we’ve come out stronger than ever (cheesy I know!).
I just want to say that herpes diagnosis doesn’t mean the end of your world. It will be tough getting over the initial shock but things will improve. All this has done is made me realise how lucky I am for my family and friends, and I feel incredibly grateful for my life, a strange reaction to herpes I know. I can honestly say H doesn’t really come into my thoughts unless im on here or feel a little twinge down below.
On a separate note I think this site really is a godsend, whilst reading about the more extreme cases can be a shock when you read some threads (still nothing compared to all the images I saw on google) it really helped me whilst I sitting in bed feeling sorry for myself. Whilst I don’t feel I need the support anymore I do like to come on here to read other people stories and know that if ever I need advice in the future about OB’s people will be here.