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Understanding Herpes

The has a lot of information and detailed facts on living with herpes. It also contains lots of real life experiences from people who are living with the condition.

Hopeful words for the newly diagnosed!

​When I was first diagnosed I was devastated, I thought I would never be able to have sex again, let alone have a fulfilling relationship and I didn’t want ANYONE to know. My best friend has actually had herpes for…

If I can be happy, so can you!

A pal on this site inspired me to write about this, to show ppl that even though it seems scary, and may make you feel like your life has come to a screeching halt, life doesn’t end after herpes. In…

Today I am thankful for herpes……

Today I am thankful for herpes. Not to get ahead of myself, there are many days in which I loath this virus. Food for thought. I’m sitting here today feeling sorry about myself. Newly single, (from my giver) alone, i’ve…

Positive Herpes Stories

Are we joking, is there such a thing as a story about herpes that is positive? Yes, many. So many in fact that when we began looking for examples of positive herpes stories that we were blown away. Many of…

You know what? 4/5 have been totally cool with it…

I was diagnosed with HSV1 & 2 in Mid-March after having my suspicions since December 2010. Throughout the whole ordeal I had a gf whom I loved and loved me, which made coping easier. She recently decided that she wasn’t…

Found out that many guys won’t mind

I’m a female and I felt like I’d be alone cause I had herpes and would be less desirable. Found out that many guys won’t mind if you’re honest and if they like you it shouldn’t be a problem. Comment…

Any challenge is transformed when we become abundant with the right knowledge. It is through the application of this knowledge that we possess the power to create our life as we want it to be. This applied knowledge is wisdom in motion.

*Legal Disclaimer (for your safety and ours): The HSV Blog does not claim to provide official medical advice, prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always consult your physician in the event of possible or certain HSV symptoms for professional assistance. Any results reported may not necessarily occur in all individuals. We do everything we can to help, but we do not intend or attempt to take the place of your doctor. The HSV Blog subsequently releases all liability for information provided on this Website. By deciding to use the HSV Blog, you are also agreeing 100% with this disclaimer.
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