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This virus is only as important as you make it. If you think of it as a minor annoyance then that’s all it will be.

This Virus Is Only As Important As You Make It. If You Think Of It As A Minor Annoyance Then That’s All It Will Be.

I thought I would add to this and keep it going. I was just diagnosed with Herpes I & II. I just got the news shortly after my engagement to my fiance. My fiance didn’t give this to me either. I’ve had this for years, but the symptoms were mild so I didn’t know it was herpes.

I’ve been more freaked out by it than my boyfriend. He has been great about it. He hasn’t been tested yet, but he has informed me that we are sticking together whether he has herpes or not. He also said that he will not blame me if he does have it because he says he might already have gotten it from someone else. There are millions of people who don’t know they have it so he said it is possible he could be one of those people.

My boyfriend said that this virus is only as important as I make it. If I let it rule our lives then it will. If I think of it as a minor annoyance then that’s all it will be. He also informed me that if his blood test comes back negative then he doesn’t want me to constantly be worried about transmitting herpes to him. There are risk in everything we do and he is will to accept the risk. His view is that while herpes isn’t fun, it doesn’t kill you or cause major health problems either.


Comment originally published on the Honeycomb Herpes Support forums.

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